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Hello Compiler

1. Download



2. GitHub

TODO. GitHub not public yet.


3. Building in Visual Studio (Windows)

Open Hello.sln with at least version 15.9.9 of Visual Studio with C++17 support switched on, and build the solution.

Note that the HelloGUI project will be marked as (unavailable) - because it is not present. This is not an error.


4. Building in Linux

Building under linux requires make to be installed and at least version (7.x) of g++.

4.1 Checking make is installed

To check make is installed, type

	make --version

If make is installed, the make version will be displayed. For example

	GNU Make 7.4

If make is not installed, type

	sudo apt-get install make

You may be asked for your password. Type 'Y' if prompted as to whether you wish to proceed.

4.2 Checking g++ is installed

To check make is installed, type

	g++ --version

If make is installed, the make version will be displayed. For example

	g++ (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04) 7.4.0

where 7.4.0 is the g++ version. The g++ version should be at least 7.x.x.

4.3 Building

To build the Hello compiler, type



5. Docker build



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